Single FET Bus Switch schematic in EAGLE


I've added a SN74CBT1G384DBV into my schematic in Eagle (which I want to use to enable/disable a logic signal line). Once placed into the schematic there only appear to be connection points for VCC and GND and nothing for the A/B and OE pins.

What am I missing? Looking at the board diagram it is complete with all connections present.

Here is the schematic icon as shown in Eagle (as you can see the board package is complete).

enter image description here

Background to problem

I'm guilty here of asking how to do 'X' in a very specific way even though my real problem is finding out how to do 'Y'. If there is a better solution to the problem I'm trying to solve then I'm interested to hear it. My setup looks something like this:

Master talking I2C —> AtTiny1634 with switching logic —> Slave listening to I2C

I need for the AtTiny1634 module to be able to enable/disable I2C communication (I'm assuming just enabling/disabling the SDA line is enough, no problem to leave the clock signal passing through) to the slave device.

Best Answer

Try running the invoke command: icon

It is possible that the power/ground has been made a separate gate from the main switch block. Usually this is done when you have multiple functional blocks within a chip sharing a single power supply (e.g., a dual/quad switch), but perhaps it is the case here also.