Tracking Sun with Solar Panel – Need Photosensor

sensorsolar cell

I'm trying to build a structure onto which I can mount a solar panel where the structure will be able to turn and track the sun – to maximize solar energy input.

Can anyone suggest a photosensor that can be used to accomplish this? I looked online on some sites and they advertise photodetectors, however I'm not sure how good they are for this kind of an application (whether or not they'll just be dumb and happy with ambient light).

Best Answer

If you want to dinamically adapt the position of the panel with the position fo the sun, one good sensor is the panel itself :)

Doing MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking), you can also measure the output power and do small movements of the panel to detect the changes in power, and move it accordingly. It will be a bit tricky (and probably not worth) to tilt and rotate it, probably it's more convenient just to rotate.

You may also find this DIY light direction sensor interesting.

enter image description here

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