Transistor – Using Transistor in 3 GHz LNA


I've got this 3GHz RF amplifier off ebay, and I'm trying to figure out how it works. I've took the RF shield off, but the markings on the component that I assume is the transistor, are scratched off.

What transistor could have been used here?

Also, how can this thing work with just one transistor?

Here is a photo of my device:

enter image description here

The underside of the PCB is just a ground pour

Best Answer

The schematic of the circuit is as follows:


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

U1 appears to be an integrated RF amplifier, not a transistor. I imagine that any transistor in an amplifier like this would require a DC path on all 3 of its terminals, whereas pin P1 is open at DC, so a transistor would work very poorly and wouldn't really amplify much.