Transmit high current with low voltage on a lightweight system

converterdc/dc converterhigh-current

I have a moving system at 20meters from, say, a base station. The system consumes more or less 200W at 12V. I used until now a battery to power the system. The main drawback is that I have to recharge the battery quite often.

Therefore I need to find a solution to power the system. The system should be lightweight. This leads to some limitations. I was thinking of leaving the battery solution and choose to connect the system to the base station.

If I try to transmit directly 16Amps at 12V, I will have to use a huge cable (and heavy).
I would rather transmit a bigger voltage with a smaller current and then use a small DC-DC converter on the system.

I was thinking of these kind of lightweight DC-DC converters:

  1. VPT
    DV200-2812S or DV200-2815S In 16-50V, Out 12-15V, Out power 0-200W, 115 grams, 6x6x1cm

  2. XP Power
    QSB35048S12, in 48V, out 12V, out 29.2A, power 350W,
    114grams, 6x6x1cm

  3. MTM Power 132-200W
    PMD200 48S12 UHB In 48V, Out 12V, Out max 16.7A, 6x6x1cm

  4. VICOR DC-DC converters

What is your opinion on this solution?

Voltage 12V
Power around 200W
Distance from base station to main system 20m
Main system must be lightweight

Best Answer

Why you don't use a normal AC cable and a PC power supply on the main system? I think that you can easily find one that gives 200W in less than 500 gr and you don't have to worry too much about the cable since you can just buy a good one in any DIY shop.