Use for temporary wiring harness


I was a computer science major in college, and dabbled in EE related stuff where necessary for coursework, but I'm working on a small Arduino project for Halloween and need some advice.

I've got an Arduino Uno board hooked up to two full color LED's in parallel. When complete, these LED's act as eyes mounted inside a head. Obviously right now they're just connected on a breadboard, but I will need to wire them together so that they can be mounted inside the head appropriately. I have no experience using a soldering iron, and I'd rather avoid it since it's a lot of overhead work a project this small.

Are there any parts that I can buy that can clamp wires to the leads on the LED's? For instance, I'd like to cut and strip some wire so that it can be plugged into the Arduino pins and clamp the other end to the LED leads. If so, where can I buy them? That way I can take things apart when no longer necessary.

Best Answer

Various sorts of 0.1in header sockets on leads are available, e.g. , which you can just plug onto pins and component leads. Obviously they don't really clamp with any firmness, so you need to mechanically mount everything firmly and maybe add a bit of tape or hot glue to connectors that may be subject to vibration.