Vary / delay a voltage to an HT coil, thus delaying the spark


I need a way to slow/vary the signal to a coil so as to retard the ignition on my Moto Guzzi motorcycle. I'm wondering if this can be achieved by delaying the signal created by the points/electronic ignition to the coil, can this be done? The reason for this is I only want to adjust firing of 1 cylinder as manual adjustment not possible (RH cyl)

Can this be done easily?

Best Answer

That sounds like a highly dubious thing to want to do to an engine in the first place - I'd question what your reason is for needing to do that before anything else.

If you must do it, you will really need a microcontroller to change the delay based on RPM as it's the angle of advance/retard that's important to the engine running.

Easiest option would be to use something existing, like MegaJolt (open-source, cheap, documented, hard work done for you).