Voltage limitations on AREF for Arduino


The default for the Arduino A/D capability is a 5v reference. Given the 10-bit A/D converter, this is 4.88mV per number from 0 to 1023. The Arduino also supports setting the analog reference voltage to 1.1V, giving an accuracy approximately 5 times higher.

I wanted to try increasing that further.
The Arduino has an internal 32k ohm resistor on AREF, so I connected a 1M ohm resistor to Vcc. The voltage reads 0.16V, but then A/D converter doesn't work. Presumably there is a lower limit. With 100k, it works, but the reference voltage is more than 1.1V, so there isn't much point.

Is it possible to set the reference voltage to less?

Best Answer

Not sure which Arduino you have but on page 377 the datasheet for the atmega2560 says Vref min for the adc is 1.0V. So unfortunately that probably won't help you.