Which 9 V DC Adapter Need for MB102 Breadboard Power Supply

breadboardcurrentpower supply

Easy question. I'm a noob… I bought a MB102 breadboard power supply unit. But, it doesn't come with a manual. I need to get a 9V adapter for it. So, I'm not sure what I need.

MB102 Breadboard Power Supply

Does the 9V adapter's current matter or will any 9V wall wart work? What is the max. input mA for the MB102?

Best Answer

Here is the schematic:

enter image description here

It needs to be rated for the total output current (current on the 5V line plus current on the 3.3V line) you want plus a few tens of mA for the LEDs and regulators. Other than that, any regulated 9V adapter with the right polarity will work fine. Unregulated ones will also work provided the unloaded output voltage isn't too high.

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