Kicad Footprint – Which Represents a 2.2 µF MKP Audio Coupling Capacitor?


I'd like to add six rectangular-shaped 2.2 µF MKP capacitors used as coupling caps for an audio circuit to my PCB in Kicad, but I'm not quite sure about the right footprint.

What makes the choice even harder, is the fact that these caps are very big, yet are equipped with fairly long terminals, so that I could make them stand in the air somehow.

Any idea?

UPDATE: I've now made Pcbnew generate a PCB layout, but now all these caps occupy the complete PCB surface underneath them, so that the somehow remain on the ground floor. Also, the regulator in the top left corner appears to lie on the board instead of standing on it. This may make the board grow too large. See the screenshot attached:

enter image description here

UPDATE #2: There is in fact a vertical footprint for the regulator, and when it comes to the big coupling caps, distributing them over the board in a smart way is the clue. I did some manual replacement work and then used Freeroute to draw the conductors:

enter image description here

Best Answer

You are looking for a footprint with 27.5mm pitch (Rastermaß) between pins and 32mm length.

The closest two footprints in KiCad are:

  • C_Rect_L31.5mm_W13.0mm_P27.50mm_MKS4
  • C_Rect_L33.0mm_W13.0mm_P27.50mm_MKS4

You can use either of these and modify it to the exact dimensions