White noise generator transistor voltage question


I have a very newbie question.

Here is a white noise generator schematic I'm using (from http://montalk.net/emwng.html)

Basic white noise generator

It all works fine. What I want to understand is why this works at 9V (and down to 8V) but under 8V the whole thing just stops generating noise. I was wondering if it's possible to do the same circuit running at 5v for example.

Thank you.

Best Answer

This circuit amplifies the noise caused by the transistor Emitter-Base junction avalanching. The reverse breakdown voltage is usually 6-7V so it definitely won't work at 5V.

If you want something to work from a 5V supply you can step up the 5V to ~9V, using something like an ICL7660 (charge pump) or a boost regulator, or you could use a totally different principle and build a PRNG (pseudo-random number generator) using a microcontroller.