Why are quasi-Fermi levels flat across the depletion region in a pn diode under forward bias


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Why is the quasi-Fermi level flat across the depletion region in a pn diode under forward bias?

I get that EFn decreases on the p-type side and EFp decreases on the n-type side due to recombination, but why are they flat in the depletion region? What kind of approximation is used?

Best Answer

The model governing the (simplified) behavior of the quasi Fermi levels in the space charge region (and which name you are seeking to know) is the law of mass action for semiconductor physics. The constant splitting value of quasi Fermi levels can be derived from this law.


The Fermi level is a parameter in the equations used to express equilibrium values, for example, of carrier concentrations. Obviously, forward biasing causes the current flow through an pn junction and therefore disturbs the junction's thermal equilibrium.

The energy state with the energy lying in the conduction band is an electron quasiparticle and the state with energy in the valence band is a hole quasiparticle. When all the states are in thermal equilibrium, there is a Fermi level parameter common for all states: the energy level which is occupied with an 1/2 probability. This is true for both electron quasiparticles and hole quasiparticles. These quasiparticles, in the context of semiconductor device physics, are called simply electrons and holes.

When the pn junction is put out of equilibrium, either by forward biasing or by light irradiation, it relaxes to a new global state of equilibrium through interactions between quasiparticles. (The interaction with the crystal lattice is accounted for by the quasiparticle concept).

The equilibrium within the ensemble of electron quasiparticles, as well as within the ensemble of holes, is restored faster than the equilibrium between the quasi-electron ensemble and the hole ensemble: the equilibrium within the ensembles is restored through collisions, and the equilibrium between the ensembles is restored through recombination, with the collision times being much shorter than the recombination time.

For time intervals lying between these characteristic (recombination and collision) times, the ensembles are in quasi-equilibrium. For each of the two ensembles (electron and hole ones), we can define individual quasi Fermi levels, which are used with the Fermi-Dirac distribution for particles in each individual ensemble. As concerns your question, there is another view of these quasi Fermi levels from the calculation perspective.

Actually, the law of mass action enable us to only confirm equidistance of the quasi Fermi levels in the space charge region. In thermal equilibrium, the product of electron and hole concentrations is constant \$n_i^2\$, the square of intrinsic concentration. The injection of carriers either through electrodes (when forward biasing) or through light irradiation increases this product: \$p_{non-eq}n_{non-eq} > n_i^2\$. The model declares that this product value increases when thermal equilibrium is disturbed, but it is still constant for uniform carrier concentrations injected with a constant given bias or light irradiation. We extend the applicability of the law of mass action by introducing two quasi Fermi levels \$E_{Fp}\$ and \$E_{Fn}\$, splitting the "intrinsic" \$E_{i}\$ into \$E_{Fp}\$ for holes and \$E_{Fn}\$ for electrons.

Now, the electron concentration is \$n = n_i \exp((E_{Fn}-E_i)/kT)\$ and the hole concentration is \$p = n_i \exp((E_i-E_{Fp})/kT)\$, so their product is \$pn = n_i^2 \exp((E_{Fn}-E_{Fp})/kT)\$. The law of mass action states that this product is constant, therefore, the difference of the two quasi Fermi levels is also constant throughout the entire space charge region, which is the depletion region in the depletion approximation.