Why is the hit rate so bad until the cache has a certain size


For a certain cache, these are the measurements:

Test of different sizes of cache memory, from 16 to 1024 words, Block size = 2 words and assosiativity = 1. Access time: 20 cycles.

Size     16 words 32 words 64 words 128 words 256 words 512 words 1024 words

Hit rate   1%       1%         1%      1%        1%       17%      50%

Cycle count 44841 44521   43881   42601       40041      34841   19481

Why does hit rate look like it does? Why is the rate so bad until the size reaches a certain size?

Best Answer

The "certain size" is known as the "working set" of a piece of code, and the size of the working set varies considerably among different pieces of code.

The question is whether or not a particular item in the cache gets replaced by something else before it can be reused. You only get a decent hit rate if the cache is large enough to hold most of the working set without replacement occurring.

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