Power Supply – Why Is This Circuit Not Limiting Current?

current-limitingpower supply

This is a 15V voltage regulator from Art of Electronics (page 694), and it is supposed to limit the output current to 1A.
However, when driving load impedance (R7) low enough, I am getting much higher current than this. Any ideas where could be the problem?

My final goal is to build power supply with a (preferably adjustable) current limiter.
enter image description here

Best Answer

If the simulator model for the U2 amplifier doesn't include a current limit, the intended effect of Q2 is defeated. Put a series resistor in the output, between the C1 and collector connections, to get a real current-limit effect.

Simulators depict real devices, but aren't (internally) as complicated as reality. As others have pointed out, 2N2222 won't carry the intended current.