Troubleshooting Op-Amp Circuit in LTspice – Common Issues


I am revisiting the topic of using LTspice for the design and analysis of electrical circuits after a hiatus of a few years.

I am creating a gain block based off an example in the textbook "SPICE-Simulation using LTspice IV", but I do not get the expected the result when I run the simulation in LTspice XVII despite everything being virtually the same between the textbook example and my LTspice version. (Please see attached images).

My LTspice model

Textbook example

I presume that my error is something very simple. Therefore, any insight that anyone with a fresh pair of eyes can provide, will be very much appreciated.

Best Answer

Your voltage V3 is reversed. The effective supply of your op-amp is 0V as you have the same voltage at both positive and negative supply pins.

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