Zener diode minimum and maximum current


Why is the Iz max given before Iz min in this zener diode catalog? If you look at the list of diodes at the bottom, you can see that the maximum test current is given first. Is there something particular or it's just provided this way?

Best Answer

Test currents relate to impedances stated to the right of these figures. For instance, for the 1N5221 there are two test currents listed and these are 20 mA and 0.25 mA and these relate to the maximum dynamic impedances stated in columns to the right (30 ohms and 1200 ohms). Nothing perculiar about this at all.

Those test currents ARE NOT \$I_{ZMAX}\$ or \$I_{ZMIN}\$.

The test currents are \$I_{ZT1}\$ and \$I_{ZT2}\$: -

enter image description here