Magento 2 – Add Custom Payment Method to Configuration


I am looking to create a Custom Payment Method. There are several tutorials online, and they all say that the system.xml and config.xml are the important files. The command I used to install is:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade && php bin/magento setup:di:compile && php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f

I have used multiple versions of them, however none of them have shown up under the Stores>Configuration>Sales>Payment Methods menu. What are the exact steps and magento 2 compile commands to install the custom payment method and get it installed so it is selectable?

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Best Answer

  1. Confirm you create the required file for the extension.
 a. registration.php
 b. module.xml
 c. composer.json
  1. Confirm also create the system.xml file properly and implement the <section id="payment"> this.

  2. Check you install the extension properly and that is Enable as well.

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