Magento2 Error – Class Not Found in classReader.php Line 34


Just got a problem while compiling:

Compilation was started.
Area configuration aggregation… 5/9 [=======>—–] 55% 1 min 326.0 MiB
In ClassReader.php line 45:

Impossible to process constructor argument Parameter #0 [ Warsaw
\Weather\Model\WeatherDataDBDetails $weatherDataDBDetails ] of Warsaw\Weath
er\Model\CronPostDb class

In ClassReader.php line 34:

Class Warsaw\Weather\Model\WeatherDataDBDetails does not exist


I made myself sure if my code (classes name etc.) is write correctly.

namespace Warsaw\Weather\Console;

use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use Warsaw\Weather\Model\CronPostDb;
class UpdateWeather extends Command
    private CronPostDb $cronPostDb;

    public function __construct(CronPostDb $cronPostDb)

        $this->cronPostDb = $cronPostDb;

    protected function configure()
        $this->setDescription('Demo command line');


    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)

Another file is :


namespace Warsaw\Weather\Model;

use Warsaw\Weather\Model\WeatherDataDBDetails;

class CronPostDb
    private WeatherDataDBDetails $weatherDataDBDetails;

    public function __construct(WeatherDataDBDetails $weatherDataDBDetails)
        $this->weatherDataDBDetails = $weatherDataDBDetails;


    public function updateWeather()

Best Answer

Okay, I figured it out! So the issue was with name of the class "WeatherDataDBDetails" Magento 2 does not recognize 3 capital letters "DBD"