Magento – Fix Non-Numeric Value Encountered Error



I recently installed an extension to display the installment price.

However, the following error appears in the log:

Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /app/code/community/Contardi/Installments/Helper/Data.php on line 87

The code in the Data.php file is as follows:

public function getDescontoPrimeiraParcela($valorParcela)
    $percentual = $this->descontoPrimeiraParcela;
    $desconto = (float)(str_ireplace(',', '.', $percentual) / 100); // line 87
    if ($desconto) $valorParcela -= ($valorParcela * $desconto);
    return $valorParcela;

Does anyone know what can it be?


Best Answer

Which value do you get back for $percentual = $this->descontoPrimeiraParcela? It seems like it's not returning a numeric value. Maybe there's a percent sign in it or something that cannot be casted to a proper float value.

In general you could disable PHP Warnings through editing the index.php, more information about it here:

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