Magento 1.9 – Fix Incorrect Configurable Product Price


I'm using Magento CE and having an issue on a Configurable Product for a Jewellery store – refer image below.

I've set the price for the actual configurable product as the lowest price option of the associated products ($2400). I've then set the fixed price for each associated product for the Super product attribute. However, on the front-end, the price shows as $2400, but then when I Choose an Option from the attribute drop-down, it adds the price of the associated product option to the price of the configurable product, which then ends up being $4800 or $4873!

I then then tried setting the actual configurable product price to $0, but then this shows the product price as $0 in the catalog view and product detail page.

I've come across Simple Configurable Products extension, but this is only compatible up to CE 1.5.

Can anyone please help me out with this confusing dilemma?

EDIT: I am using the Dresscode theme from Themeforest.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Welcome to the wonderful world of configurable product pricing.

If you don't want to install an extension you need to set the configurable product to the price of the base item (75cm @ $2400) and the price of the 85cm option to $73 fixed, which will make it always more $73 more expensive than the 75cm one (and will display (+$73) in the option dropdown with the default theme.

Assuming the simple products are not in the catalog or searchable, the price you set for them is irrelevant.

As Reinsch has said, there are extensions around that will try and work in an easier to use format.