Magento 1.9 – Sample Data Checkout Issue


I've installed a fresh copy of ce- with sample data for for testing purposes.
I'm trying to perform a checkout as a logged in customer (by the way…where is the damn logout button?) and as a guest but I get stuck on the saveBilling action.
The call stops (firebug says the request was aborted) and I cannot continue the checkout.
I tried both "Ship to the same address" and "ship to a different address".

I narrowed it down to crashing when calling $quote->collectTotals().
I will investigate further but I'm curios if someone else is experiencing the same thing and, if so, how can I fix it?

Best Answer

I think I found something.
By default the USPS shipping method is enabled (I think only in the sample data but not sure).
But I have no user and password for the gateway. It seams that this crashes the system. Disabling the shipping method solves the problem, or better yet, hides it. I think this might be a bug. From my point of view, if the credentials are not correct, the shopping method should not me shown.

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