Magento 2.4.3 Product Images – Fix Incorrect Media URLs


I have recently installed a Magento 2.4.3 version and for some reason, the product images are not displaying correctly on the frontend.

The source URL in Magento is displaying:

the correct URL is:

As you guys can see, Magento is missing the final slash after the product.

We have tried multiple things:

  • Delete all cache
  • Flush all cache
  • Delete all static files
  • Regenerate all static files
  • Resize all image files
  • Set secure and unsecured URL

Please assist! Also, be aware that we have multiple storefronts and multiple store URLs. None of them seem to work and all have the same problem.

Thank you!

Best Answer

select * from core_config_data where path like '%base%url%';  

Check with this what value you are getting.

Did you add a slash at the end of Base URL in admin config interface for media setting.

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