Magento 2.4.3 – UI Component Rendering Error Due to System Exception


Just upgraded my local machine to Magento 2.4.3 CE.

On the admin side, I keep getting errors:

A technical problem with the server created an error. Try again to continue what you were doing. If the problem persists, try again later.

This error happens on every admin page. I cleared sessions / cleared cache / restarted docker containers – same thing.

When I look into console, I see this request is failing:


The response to that request is:

UI component could not be rendered because of system exception
error code: "0"

In Exception logs I see this error:

[2021-08-13 22:48:42] main.CRITICAL: Unable to unserialize value. {"exception":"[object] (InvalidArgumentException(code: 0): Unable to unserialize value. at /var/www/php/vendor/magento/framework/Serialize/Serializer/Serialize.php:35)"} []

Any ideas what this could be? My only guess is the notifications at the top of the Admin page where Indexer / Cache warnings show up is failing? Maybe?


Looked at the piece of code the error is referring to and it's just checking if the string is null/false/empty:

enter image description here

It looks like I have to go hunting elsewhere for this issue. There might have been issue when I did an upgrade with Magento Framework. Going to research that next and maybe re-install it.

Best Answer

Looks like it's a 2.4.3 issue with sessions.

Github issue:

After setting security sessions to 0 the issue stopped.

Stores->Configuration->Advanced->System->Max Session Size in Admin

Stores->Configuration->Advanced->System->Max Session Size in Storefront


bin/magento config:set system/security/max_session_size_admin 2592000

bin/magento config:set system/security/max_session_size_storefront 2592000

Not sure if this is a full solution yet. Hopefully they come up with a better solution than just setting the value to 0.


Another solution is to change disable_locking in your redis session settings:

'disable_locking' => '0', to 'disable_locking' => '1'
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