Magento2 – Add Extra Validation Rules for Existing Shipping Carrier


This question is about javascript carrier validation in the checkout page. Depending on the validation result, some carriers may disappear from the displayed list if validation failed for them.

I found documentation about how to Add custom shipping carrier validations. This doc explains how to create from scratch a brand new validator and its own validation rules and how to register them and how to add them in the checkout layout etc. etc…
The point is : I don't need to create a new validator from scratch. The carrier already exists, its validator too. I just want to add an extra validation rule to the existing ones (and fyi, I want this carrier validation to fail if shipping address telephone is not a mobile phone).

Is there a way to inject my own rule in the existing ones (with a mixin maybe ?) or do I have to go through the full creation as described in the official doc, to end up pushing an additional validator for this carrier ?

Best Answer

In Your Shipping Model File(eg. Career.php) add below like condition

public function collectRates(RateRequest $request)
         * here add custom condition and return false if not matching in your condition
        if ($telephone = $quote->getShippingAddress()->getTelephone()) {
            if($telephone != 'your_variable'){
                return false;   // it will not execute furthure code

        // here your shipping main code