Magento 2.3.5/7 Login Blocked – Fix Account Sign-In Error After One Failed Attempt



A Magento2 site locks our admin user immediately after a single (ONE) incorrect login attempt.

The admin page will then give us this error message:

"The account sign-in was incorrect or your account is disabled temporarily. Please wait and try again later".

I understand then immediately that this user has been blocked.

To unlock the account, I then run:

bin/magento admin:user:unlock <AdminUser>


The problem is that several users use the same account which then might be caused by any of those people incorrectly inputting incorrect details for ONE single attempt. This then means a typing mistake causes all users that depend on this login to be blocked.

This happens on a Magento 2.3.5 and 2.3.7 installation.


Where/How do I increase the failed attempts safely such that I can increase it to a more reasonable amount, but I don't want to completely disable this security feature.

Best Answer

Backend configuration is available for this:-

Store > Configuration > Advanced > Admin > Security > Maximum Login Failures to Lockout Account