Magento 2.3 – catalog_product_save_before Unable to Save Product


I'm trying to save the product in the observer of event "catalog_product_save_before", but somehow the admin panel is just loading its not saving product.

Can anyone please suggest the solution for this?

<config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:Event/etc/events.xsd">
<event name="catalog_product_save_before">
    <observer name="test_updateproductsku_observer_backend_catalog_productsavebefore_catalog_product_save_before" instance="Iflair\Updateproductname\Observer\Backend\Catalog\ProductSaveBefore"/>
public function execute(
    \Magento\Framework\Event\Observer $observer
) {
    $_product = $observer->getProduct(); // you will get product object
    $_sku = $_product->getSku(); // for sku

Best Answer

You have observed the "catalog_product_save_before" event and again trying to save the product. So $_product->save() code again observe your event and it runs your observer as a loop. If you want to change any attribute value you can just set the data and let it. It will automatically save your changes.

So just remove the $_product->save() line and then try to save the product, it will work.

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