Magento 2 Admin Page Not Working – 404 Error Fix



Was creating a module. Everything was good, but at some point admin page just stopped working. Can't say on what paticular moment, cause I used bin/magento to flush caches, compile and deploy. Now it's loading only main page localhost/. No other links. Error 404.

What was done

  1. Checked, if the right admin url in /Library/WebServer/Documents/app/etc/env.php.

  2. sudo chmod -R 777 ./ -> Flush cache -> sudo chmod -R 777 ./ -> Deploy static content -> sudo chmod -R 777 ./ -> Compile -> sudo chmod -R 777 ./.

  3. Copied .htaccess to the root from source folder on the site.

Additional information

It happens the second time. First time I thought it was one-time mistake. I can't remember, if the symptoms are exactly the same, but they are similar. That time was Magento 2.0. Now it is 2.1.

Best Answer

404 pages on native Magento pages while developing a module are often a consequence of a bug in the said module.

To find out try disabling the module and see if the error goes away:

php bin/magento module:disable Vendor_Module

To find out what the error is I suggest you switch to developer mode if not already done as it provides way more verbosity in logs and errors:

php bin/magento deploy:mode:set developer

Now try access the page that triggers the 404 and check var/log files content.

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