Magento – 404 Not Found 1 when view product detail page after customer logging


I am trying to view product detail page after customer logging but it giving 404 Not Found 1 . But if I logged out the customer and then try to view product detail page , everything works fine.

I have tried everything of clearing cache , changing system->configuration->Genral->web setting.

I have Noticed that instead of getting "view" Action. It is getting "noRoute" Action

Best Answer

Finally , I resolved it myself. But I do not got the reason for the same.

What I did is Reference from Product pages displaying 404 page

I opened Mage_Reports_Model_Event_Observer and added a return true; In the begening of this observer method: public function catalogProductView(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)

And it worked !!

But Then I clean the report_viewed_product_index and it is working fine even without returning true;

If anyone can explain reason for it. Most Welcome