Magento – Access Denied Errors After Installing SUPEE-6285


After installing the SUPEE-6285 patch on our Magento store the system is showing an "Access Denied" error when attempting to access all custom modules for users who have selective permissions (not all permissions). Screenshot below.

enter image description here

The user permissions are properly set in Role Resources and we have re-applied the permission settings to ensure these are set.

The problem has been reproduced across multiple custom extensions so it isn't just a single extension that isn't working.

I have logged out/in, cleared the cache and confirmed that the compiler is disabled.

Can anyone suggest how to troubleshoot this?

Best Answer

As written here:

If you use restricted admin accounts, some menus of third party extensions might not work anymore for them. The reason is that the default return value of Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action::_isAllowed() has been changed from true to Mage::getSingleton('admin/session')->isAllowed('admin'). Extensions that do not override this method in their admin controllers because they don't use the ACL, now need the "ALL" privilege.

The only solution is to patch the extensions and add this method to all their admin controllers:

protected function _isAllowed()
    return true;

Or if they actually have an ACL resource defined in etc/adminhtml.xml:

protected function _isAllowed()
    return Mage::getSingleton('admin/session')->isAllowed('ENTER RESOURCE IDENTIFIER HERE');

How to determine the resource identifier

This is how an adminhtml.xml might look like:

Mage_Setup example (acl)

Take the node names below acl/resources/admin/children, skipping following children nodes.

How to create missing resource identifiers

If there is only a <menu> definition but no <acl> definition, you can also define your own (it does not have to be within the same module, so no 3rd party files have to be modified)::

Mage_Setup example (menu)

Copy everything below menu to acl/resources/admin/children and remove the <action> nodes.

Automatic fix

There is a good command line tool by at

It handles most missing _isAllowed() calls quite well but will result in broken code with obfuscated or encrypted source files, so you still should check the results manually.

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