Magento – Access Denied for Custom Module for Specific Role


I've created one role and provide rights for my custom module using System->Permissions->Role. When any user from that role logs into system, gets access denied for my custom module. My config.xml looks this

                    <title>Allow Everything</title>
                        <vendor translate="title" module="vendor">
                                <vendor translate="title">
                                    <title>Manage Vendor</title>

And my adminhtml.xml looks like this

                                    <vendor translate="title" module="vendor">
                                        <title>Vendor Section</title>

Best Answer

Problem resolved.

By modifying _isAllowed() function like following

protected function _isAllowed() { return true; }

It's a very bad decision. In you case right way is:

protected function _isAllowed() {
    return Mage::getSingleton('admin/session')->isAllowed('system/vendor');