Magento Global Messages – Access Global Messages After Redirect to Referrer


I have a save address function in my checkout and after the validation in the controller takes place if there is an error the following gets rendered.

if(isset($result['error']) && $result['error']){

    foreach($result['message'] as $msg){

        $this->_message[] = $msg;

    return $this->_redirectUrl($this->_getRefererUrl());

The referrer is a method belonging to the same controller so I assumed setting the variable $this->_message would mean I can access the message from the referrer method but it seems as though the class gets re-instantiated because if I do a var_dump($this->_message); in the referrer method it is null. I know there are messages getting set because if I don't redirect back to the referrer Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')->addError($msg); works – aka it displays which fields need to be filled in on the form.

How can I make the messages available to the referrer method?

Best Answer

I've added them to an array and stored this in the session like so

if(isset($result['error']) && $result['error']){

    foreach($result['message'] as $msg){

        $this->_message[] = $msg;
            Mage::getSingleton( 'customer/session' )->setData( 'validationMessages', $this->_message);
            return $this->_redirectUrl($this->_getRefererUrl());

But using session variables isn't my desired solution so any other answers still very welcome!

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