Magento 1.7 – How to Add a Custom Content Block Within an Existing Content Block


I'm trying to add a custom order attribute, that the user can define on the checkout page just after the list of the payment methods and before the button continue.

I want to do things as clean as possible, so I created my own module.

Im struggling with something I thought it would be simple but I don't succeed to find a solution.

At the moment I only need to be able to display the template file in the following block .


I created my template file which is only displaying a stupid text for the test
I know that there is no problem with this file while I used it on the index action of my module

I think the main issue is that I must not do properly the xml layout declaration.

Maybe you can help me

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <layout version="0.1.0">
<!-- this part is working well -->
            <reference name="content">
                <block type="mymodule/mymodule" name="mymodule" template="mymodule/custom.phtml" />
<!-- this part is not working at all -->
            <reference="checkout.onepage.payment" >
                <block type="core/template" name="mymodule"  template="mymodule/custom.phtml" />

Of course my module is well declared as the index method of my module is working.
is it my reference tag which is not good ?

Thanks in advance, this layout organisation gives me headache,



Best Answer

David Tay answered to me via stackoverflow , thanks to him I fixed my issues, it was due to two mains reasons

  • Developer inatention
  • In the block where I wanted to add my block I was supposed to echo it

Link to the answer

Copy / Paste of the answer below:

As noted, you forgot the name attribute. Besides that, you also need to echo out your block. This is your update:

    <reference name="checkout.onepage.payment" >
        <block type="core/template" name="mymodule"  template="mymodule/custom.phtml" />

Your block is declared as a child of checkout.onepage.payment, which also has another child block (checkout.payment.methods) and this block is echoed out in the checkout.onepage.payment template (app/design/frontend/base/default/template/checkout/onepage/payment.phtml):

<form action="" id="co-payment-form">
        <?php echo $this->getChildHtml('methods') ?>

What you need to do is echo out your block some where in the checkout.onepage.payment block's template, such as:

<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('mymodule') ?>