Magento2 PHTML – How to Add a Static Image on PHTML Page and CMS Blocks


How I can Add a static image on PHTML page and CMS Blocks into Magento2?
in Magento 1.x it was possible using $this->getSkinUrl('images/xyz.jpg')

I am trying following method into Magento2

In Phtml File:

<img src=”<?= $block->getViewFileUrl(‘images/footer-logo.png’); ?>” alt=”Demo” />

In CMS Blocks:

<img src=”{{view url=”images/slide-bg.jpg”}}” alt=”” />

but it's not working properly. Please suggest me my mistakes

Best Answer

image url Syntax is ok for both static block and phtml, But make sure that when you write this code in static block

<img src="{{view url="images/slide-bg.jpg"}}" alt="test" />

on front end it looks like


Where Magento/luma is package name and theme name, you can replace with your package and theme name

So you have to take care for slide-bg.jpg is exist in

pub/static/frontend/Magento/luma/en_US/images directory.

In your case,

<img src='<?php echo $this->getViewFileUrl('images/footer-logo.png'); ?>' alt="Demo">

Syntax seems ok , but in frontend It looks like


So you have to make sure that footer-logo.png exist in

pub/static/frontend/Magento/luma/en_US/images directory.

And don't forgot about "[quotation marks]

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