Magento 2 – Add Attribute Name to Configurable Select Option


By default, the drop-down box for configurable products displays 'Choose an option…'. I'd like to change this to 'Select {attribute label}'.

I found the code for this in:


Here the following code can be added to change to the required value:

<option value=""><?php /* @escapeNotVerified */ echo __('Select ').strtolower($block->escapeHtml($_attribute->getProductAttribute()->getStoreLabel())) ?></option>

When the page initially loads this seems to work, however, once the page loads this value gets instantly replaced by 'Choose an Option…' which I found loads from here:


Where it appears like this:

'chooseText' => __('Choose an Option...'),

Any idea how to insert the attribute name here or stop this from overwriting the change I have already made?

Best Answer

You also need to change that text in below file,


In this file, you need to find _fillSelect method and see "chooseText" value.

element.options[0].innerHTML = this.options.spConfig.chooseText

Replace with below code

var attribute_lable = this.options.spConfig.attributes[[a-z]*/, '')]['label']; element.options[0].innerHTML = this.options.spConfig.chooseText + attribute_lable;

Note: Don't forgets to override this file and remove cache & run static-content:deploy command.

Hope this will help you.

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