Magento – Add Custom Attribute in Customer Account admin side and its value from another Module


I want to add a multiselect dropdown attribute to Customer module in Customer Account Tab (Admin Panel) and Want its value from my another module.

Please let me suggest how can I achieve this.

I am using Magento

Best Answer


<?xml version="1.0"?>


class YourCompany_YourModule_Helper_Data extends Mage_Core_Helper_Abstract


$installer = $this;

$installer->addAttribute("customer", "customer_attribute",  array(
    "type"     => "text",
    "backend"  => "",
    "label"    => "Customer Attribute",
    "input"    => "multiselect",
    "source"   => "yourmodule/eav_entity_attribute_source_customeroptions14806611050",
    "visible"  => true,
    "required" => false,
    "default" => "",
    "frontend" => "",
    "unique"     => false,
    "note"       => ""


        $attribute   = Mage::getSingleton("eav/config")->getAttribute("customer", "customer_attribute");


        $attribute->setData("used_in_forms", $used_in_forms)
        ->setData("is_used_for_customer_segment", true)
        ->setData("is_system", 0)
        ->setData("is_user_defined", 1)
        ->setData("is_visible", 1)
        ->setData("sort_order", 100)



class YourCompany_YourModule_Model_Eav_Entity_Attribute_Source_Customeroptions14806611050 extends Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Attribute_Source_Abstract
     * Retrieve all options array
     * @return array
    public function getAllOptions()
    //*******Here I have given sample values instead of this just retrieve your values in this format*******************
        if (is_null($this->_options)) {
            $this->_options = array(

                    "label" => Mage::helper("eav")->__("1"),
                    "value" =>  1

                    "label" => Mage::helper("eav")->__("2"),
                    "value" =>  2

                    "label" => Mage::helper("eav")->__("3"),
                    "value" =>  3

                    "label" => Mage::helper("eav")->__("5"),
                    "value" =>  4

        return $this->_options;

     * Retrieve option array
     * @return array
    public function getOptionArray()
        $_options = array();
        foreach ($this->getAllOptions() as $option) {
            $_options[$option["value"]] = $option["label"];
        return $_options;

     * Get a text for option value
     * @param string|integer $value
     * @return string
    public function getOptionText($value)
        $options = $this->getAllOptions();
        foreach ($options as $option) {
            if ($option["value"] == $value) {
                return $option["label"];
        return false;

     * Retrieve Column(s) for Flat
     * @return array
    public function getFlatColums()
        $columns = array();
        $columns[$this->getAttribute()->getAttributeCode()] = array(
            "type"      => "tinyint(1)",
            "unsigned"  => false,
            "is_null"   => true,
            "default"   => null,
            "extra"     => null

        return $columns;

     * Retrieve Indexes(s) for Flat
     * @return array
    public function getFlatIndexes()
        $indexes = array();

        $index = "IDX_" . strtoupper($this->getAttribute()->getAttributeCode());
        $indexes[$index] = array(
            "type"      => "index",
            "fields"    => array($this->getAttribute()->getAttributeCode())

        return $indexes;

     * Retrieve Select For Flat Attribute update
     * @param int $store
     * @return Varien_Db_Select|null
    public function getFlatUpdateSelect($store)
        return Mage::getResourceModel("eav/entity_attribute")
            ->getFlatUpdateSelect($this->getAttribute(), $store);

Create function to get all options of your another module and retrieve it in function getAllOptions() of given model.

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