Magento – add custom block inside minicart


I need to display a custom template inside the mini cart, after the subtotal and above the buttons (view all and proceed to checkout). I have my template in /template/mymodule/mytemplate.phtml wich for the moment has only a p tag with 'test' written in it. Then I edited my local.xml to include my template. If I write:

<reference name="content"><block type="core/template" name="myname" as="myalias" template="mymodule/mytemplate.phtml" before="-" /></reference>

the block is correctly shown at the beginning of the content. But if I change the reference with

<reference name="cart_sidebar"> 

nothing is shown in the mini cart.

So, what do I have to reference in local.xml to have my template displayed inside the mini cart?

Best Answer

Try this:

<reference name="cart_sidebar">
    <action method="setTemplate"><file>my_template/file.phtml</file></action>