Magento Layout PHTML – How to Add Custom PHTML in Product View Page


I want to add my phtml between description.phtml and attributes.phtml using custom module

my xml file

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <catalog_product_view translate="label">
        <reference name="content">
            <block type="example/product_view_detail" name="example_detail">
                <action method="setTemplate"><template>example/catalog/product/view/detail.phtml</template></action>

how to add this phtml in view.phtml?

enter image description here

Best Answer

That only change in xml file

Replace this

<reference name="">


<reference name="content">

Add this content in reference tag

<action method="addToParentGroup"><group>detailed_info</group></action>
<action method="setTitle" translate="value"><value>Information</value></action>
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