Magento 1.9 Order Email – Add Original Price, Price, and Discount Amount


I want to add 3 more columns on order email template (Table section). I found the good solution to add column into table:

however, I don't know how can I get these values from order

  • Original item price
  • Item price
  • Discount amount

I'd be grateful for any guidance.



Best Answer

These depend on the type of discount. If they are catalog based (temporary price on the product or a catalog rule under promotions), then look in Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Item. All magic setters and getters are documented now.

So in your case:

  • getOriginalPrice()
  • getPrice()
  • getDiscountAmount

Each of these have a "Base" version. That is the version in the store currency. If you provide the option to sell in other currencies, then base and normal version will differ.

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