Magento – Add Pagination To Catalog Search Results REST API: Magento 2


I am using this API for search:[requestName]=quick_search_container&searchCriteria[filterGroups][0][filters][0][field]=search_term&searchCriteria[filterGroups][0][filters][0][value]=life

The response is:

– Total results is 7

I need to get results in pagination mode so I updated the API to become:[requestName]=quick_search_container&searchCriteria[filterGroups][0][filters][0][field]=search_term&searchCriteria[filterGroups][0][filters][0][value]=life&searchCriteria[current_page]=1&searchCriteria[page_size]=5

The response is:

– Total results is 5

– Current page is 1

If I changed the current page 2, the response supposed to be:

Total results is 2

– Current page is 2

But, I got the same result in the page 1.

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