Magento Product View – Add phtml Page Block Before Additional Block


i want add phtml page block before additional block on product detail page

i want to do it vai catalog > catagory > custom design update (apply to products) i am able to add some custom block which show content from some file like path/abc.phtml

i am able to override block using code like below there

<reference name="">
      <action method="setTemplate">

can u guide me xml code needed to do that

Best Answer

Issue: You cannot set product details page layout from Category >custom design tab.

For show a static block at product detail and want to set this cms block from admin .Then you need to goto admin>Catalog>Manage Product > select any product and Goto if it design tab and put this code

<reference name="">
<block type="cms/block" name="mystaticblock" >
<action method="setBlockId"><block_id>YOUR_BLOCK_ID</block_id></action>

As product detail page main layout template is view.phtml, and it doesn't render it child block automatically, so on catalog/product/view.phtml add those code block by <?php echo $this->getChildHtml('mystaticblock')?> for render te block.

Note: from admin manage you can only set cms block for one page.
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