Magento – Add product to guest cart with custom option and its price in Magento 2 api


I need to add product in cart using magento 2 api.

I am using below api


I am passing parameters like below,

    "cartItem": {
        "sku": "paneer_chilli-1",
        "qty": "1",
        "name": "Paneer Chilli",
        "price": 100,
        "product_type": "simple",
        "quote_id": "3a43e2fc1ed26db195a8ceee00929bcb",
        "product_option": {
            "extension_attributes": {
                "custom_options": [{
                    "option_id": 6,
                    "option_value": 2

dosent work, it is giving error like below,

Property "CustomOptions" does not have corresponding setter in class "Magento\Quote\Api\Data\CartItemExtensionInterface".

What is option_id and option_value in my case when I have to pass custom option with multiple option with its price (checkbox)

It will be great if someone can help.

Best Answer

Go to > quoteGuestCartItemRepositoryV1

In your case, should change to underscore format

    "cartItem": {
        "quote_id": {cart id},
        "sku": {sku},
        "qty": 1,