Admin Panel – How to Add Tab to Product Information


I am trying to add a custom tab to the Product Information page:

Custom Tab in Product Information page

I have followed the instructions on the following websites but have been unable to get the custom tab to appear:

How do I add a custom tab to the product information page in the admin panel?

I have the FishPig WordPress Integration plugin that is adding blog tabs to the page – could these be conflicting with my tab somehow?


I have set the FishPig plugin as inactive via its xml file, and my custom tab still does not show – so I do not think there is a conflict with this plugin.

Best Answer

For Front-end product tabs:

Please check first if your theme has a tab solution if they do not you can remove the extension you are using now through magento connect and install easytabs extension. It always worked for me.

For Back-end product tabs: this link gives you step by step how to add product tabs in the backend: