Magento – Add to cart in localhost doesn’t work in IE, Why


I have my development site in


Everything is working fine, until I tested it in IE browser. When I click add to cart button (no changes made to this functionality), it gets redirected to cart page, but the cart is empty.

In other browsers, it is working fine. I use IE 10, also tested in IE9, IE8, IE7 (checked using the Browser Mode option). The problem prevails. I checked with both Magento CE and EE.

Is there a problem with IE settings, so that localhost websites doesn't hold cookies or something like that? Can anyone help me on this?

sorry I forgot to mention, I don't have permissions to edit hosts file, otherwise I could have created a virtual domain.
If other browsers can add products to cart, why not IE? I remember I have used loclhost in IE sometime back and it worked.

Best Answer

Don't use localhost as you host. For some reasons Magento needs a dot . in the host in order to be able to store cookies. Use or add to hosts something like


and use magento.local as your host.
You will need to change the base_url in core_config_data in order to make it work.
This may offer a solution. It involves changing the way that the cookies are validated.