Magento – Add to cart not working in Iphone Magento Version


There is a strange issue with my website. My Add to cart is not working on Iphone. Its working fine on all other devices.

I think the session is getting destroyed while browsing to next page. I tried different settings on iphone but none works.

I have tried few methods like in add to cart one of the post suggested to make add to cart button from type=button to type=submit but it didn't worked.

Can anyone please guide me through this.


Best Answer

You're missing the form key. This can have several causes, most notably a class is overriding Checkout/Helper/Cart.php and doesn't have form_key code in getAddUrl(). Known offender from my end: MW/Ajaxcart extension.

If this isn't the cause, please answer the following:

  1. Are you using the mobile/iphone template shipped with Magento and has it been upgraded to 1.8 or are you using a copy?
  2. Do you have the file app/design/frontend/base/default/template/core/formkey.phtml?
  3. If you have the file, does it get called (just stick a JS alert in it)?
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