Magento – Add to wishlist without customer login


I am developing an extension where is a requirement of add to wishlist without logging into customer account. can anyone help me out in this?

what i think two things can be done here –

1- we can override core function and disable check for customer session.

2- Find an event in magento which can be listened before checking customer session while adding product to wishlist so that i can do my work before it checks whether customer is logged in or not.
Any suggestions will be highly appreciated.

Let me know if i am not clear.

Best Answer

So if you need, based on your comment "just need to send product info somewhere every time when a product is added to wishlist."

  1. Add an javascript listener for Click event on the wish list link.

  2. In the listener send ajax request to your module (with the product info as a param) where you can record everything you need in the database