Magento – How to Add or Update Customer’s Cart from Admin


Is it possible to add/update a customers cart from admin?

        $productId = 700;

        $storeId = Mage::app()->getStore()->getId();

        $product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')

        $qty = 1;
        $cart = Mage::getModel('sales/quote');


        if (!$cart->getId())

        $info = new Varien_Object(array(
                            'product_id' => $product->getId(),
                            'qty' => $qty

        $cart->addProduct($product, $info );


This is writing an entry into the sales_flat_quote table but it is not showing up in the customers cart. I am doing something wrong or missing something.

Best Answer

Yes it's possible.
Find the customer in the backend, click on edit.
You should see a tab on the left called shopping cart. You would expect that it should work from there. But it doesn't. Or at least I didn't find a way to make it work.

But here is how I did.
Click on the 'Create order' from the customer edit screen.
Select a store view to associate the order with.
Then add to the order the products you want to put in the cart.
After adding them, you will see for each line a column named Action. Select from the dropdown for each product "Move to shopping cart".
Then hit "Update items and qty's".
That's it.

I know it seams like a strange process, but if you need it badly you can use it.