Product List – How to Add Custom Attributes


I'm very confused with a small issue in my catalog/product/list.phtml file.

i'm trying to add the Manufacturer attribute that comes with Magento to my grid listing and have added the following code.

<?php echo $_product->getAttributeText('manufacturer') ?>
<?php if( $_product->getAttributeText('manufacturer') ): ?>
    <p class="manufacturer">Manufactured by:<br/><?php echo $_product->getAttributeText('manufacturer')?></p>
<?php endif; ?>

Now this is the same code I've used on my product/view.phtml page and it works there. But this doesn't work at all, the echo by its self or using it in the if statement. Both return nothing.

So I have to do something special to get these attributes on the list.phtml file?

Best Answer

Make sure the attribute manufacturer (and others that you want to list) have the flag Use in product listing set to Yes. After setting the flag you should rebuild your product flat index if Flat catalog is enabled.