Orders Quote Sales-Quote – Adding Custom Code to Function addItem in Quote.php


I looked for a way to add a custom order item.

Code -> Core -> Mage -> Sales -> Model -> Quote.php


   public function addItem(Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Item $item) {
       // Added: 

Now for the above method I have to do changes in Magento core code. How can I do it via an observer or module.

This is what I have tried:


And observer.php:

    public function addextraparameter($observer) {
        $item = $observer->getEvent()->getQuoteItem();

Best Answer

You can use the event sales_quote_add_item. This is dispatched after $item->setQuote($this); but this should not be a problem unless you rewritten the setQuote method and use the value of training location in that one. I doubt you did this.

Here is a tutorial on how to create an observer.

Your method in the observer could look like this:

public function methodNameHere($observer) {
    $item = $observer->getEvent()->getQuoteItem();