Magento 1.8 – Adding Custom Configuration Section to Existing Tab



I have created a basic local module that is designed to listen to an observer , which it does perfectly fine. However I wish the observer method to pull out some configured settings which changes the behaviour of it's task.

I want to add a new section under the Catalog tab; I found this question.

I do not want to create a new tab, instead I do want a new section under the existing Catalog tab (similarly to Catalog > Inventory).

Current behaviour

Currently inside the control panel I click Catalog > Catalog, low and behold inside this tab is a group called Section Name Under Catalog Tab. I also don't see my group Group Name.

Expected behaviour

I click Catalog > Section Name Under Catalog Tab, inside this tab is a group called Group Name with my enable/disable field.

  • As per Image example 1 – I'd expect a section called Section Name Under Catalog Tab;
  • As per Image example 2 – I'd expect this to expand into a view with my group Group Name;
  • Finally the group should contain the form present in Image exmaple 2.

Code snippets


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
                                    <mymodule translate="title" module="mymodule">
                                        <title>Section inside Catalog</title>


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
        <mymodule translate="label" module="mymodule">
            <label>Section Name Under Catalog Tab</label>
                <category_options translate="label">
                    <label>Group Name</label>
                        <active translate="label">

Best Answer


I've solved this and there were a couple of confusing aspects. Some of the XML tag names were incorrect and the module reference too was invalid.

In case someone else gets the same issue, I will wrap this up.

app/etc/modules/Myvendor_Mymodule.xml contains:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
                <!-- Added this dependency to ensure it's loaded first -->
                <Mage_Catalog />

code/local/Myvendor/Mymodule/etc/config.xml contains:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

local/Myvendor/Mymodule/etc/system.xml contains:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

        <!-- I don't know if this is necessary but prefixed with the parent name -->

        <catalog_mymodule translate="label" module="mymodule">
            <label>My Section (inside Catalog)</label>

            <!-- appears to define the catalog tab as the parent -->


                <!-- This group should appear inside it's own space. -->

                <mymoule_group translate="label">
                    <label>Group Name</label>
                        <active translate="label">

local/Myvendor/Mymodule/etc/adminhtml.xml contains:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

                                    <catalog_mymodule translate="title" module="mymodule">
                                        <title>ACL Name for my section</title>