Magento CMS Page – Add Custom Module


I have a custom module. I need to add it in home page of my site. I have added block in the content section of my home page. But it didn't display anything. I have also tried the layout part of home page and the result is as in the previous case. These are my codes


       <!-- <banner module="banner">-->
                <items module="banner">
                    <title>Manage Banner</title>
                <title>Allow Everything</title>
                        <title>Banner Module</title>


This is the code I have tried in the content section of home CMS page

{{block type="banner/banner" name="home_banner" template="banner/homenewpro.phtml"}}

This is the code I have tried in the layout part(within content section) of home CMS page.

<block type="banner/banner" name="home_banner" template="banner/banner.phtml" />

What is the problem with this code? What I have made wrong with these codes? Help me guys…. Thanks in advance..

Best Answer

First of all make sure the file Karaokeshop/Banner/Block/Banner.php exists and contains this class.

class Karaokeshop_Banner_Block_Banner extends Mage_Core_Block_Template{
   //class methods here

also make sure the template banner/homenewpro.phtml exists in app/design/frontend/{package}/{theme}/template.
Just to make sure, you can place it in app/design/frontend/base/default/template.

I hope you also created the declaration file app/etc/modules/Karaokeshop_Banner.xml with this content.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
                <Mage_Core />

Clear the cache, disable the compilation and give it an other try.

You can also enable the logging from System->Configuration->Developer and check var/log for any errors.