Magento – Adding custom options to all products of a certain type on save


I have created some custom product types that extend from simple products. These product types will all have the same custom options added, so I'd like to just set those options on the product when saved as well as removing any other options that might have been added accidentally.

In my product type model, I have added the following save() method:

//My_Module_Model_Product_Type_Customtype extends Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Type_Simple

public function save($product = null)
    $option = array(
        'title' => 'My Options',
        'type' => 'field',
        'is_require' => 0,
        'price' => 5,
        'price_type' => 'fixed',
        'sku' => 'mysku'

    $optionInstance = $product->getOptionInstance();

    return $this;

When I load an existing product of my type that does not have custom options assigned, the option I am adding inside save() can not be seen after the product saves; however, if I add a custom option from the admin form and then save, my option added in save() does get added. It seems the option will only get saved if the product already has a custom option assigned through the admin

I am guessing I am missing something basic, but can't seem to find what it is.


I took a look at the catalog_product_option table, and the option I add in save() is listed here, but it doesn't appear on the product's custom options tab unless I add an additional option manually from admin.


It seems that $product->setHasOptions() isn't working. When I look at catalog_product_entity, that value is 0. Manually changing it to 1 resolves the issue.

How am I supposed to save custom product type data while in the save() method?

Best Answer

I was working on something similar today - I would try to get all current options, push your new option(s) onto that array and do this:


The first line is explained here (not sure if you'd need it actually):

Edit: By the way, this code is working perfectly for me, however I'm using it in a script in development

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